Review Stage 2: Synthesis and Assessment Country report

RecalculationsKCA for CLRTAPInv. comparisonTime seriesTrend graphsAdd Comments


Party: RU      Submission year: 2018

The aim of this test is to identify instances of dips, jumps, and sudden trends in time series data reported by countries. Only data in NFR02, NFR09 and NFR14 reporting format were analyzed and data for which at least three years were reported. We converted all years where only NFR02 or NFR09 sectors are available to NFR14 and show only the converted sectors in the time series analysis.

The table below shows data, where outliers in the time series were identified based on the following methodology: Reported time series data were log 10-transformed prior to analysis to reduce intra-series variability and improve general time series linearity. A linear regression was subsequently applied to the log-transformed values for each time series.

An individual value within the time series was identified as a dip/jump if the respective residual value (regression forecast value - reported value) was greater than 2 standard deviations from the mean of all residuals within the time series. Only time series where the flagged data value contributed a significant fraction (>3%) of the national total for the given year are included in this dataset for expert review.

Time series where sigma grow largely (i.e. larger than 20% of the time series mean value) because of extreme variation in the emission data are also flagged. Zero values indicate small numbers rounded to zero.

The test was performed for the following time series (if data was available):
Main pollutants: 1990 – 2016
HMs and POPs: 1990 - 2016
PMs: 2000 - 2016

If there is a number and a notation key reported, the difference is the number

Color Key


Indicates a dip in the time series data


Indicates a jump in the time series data


Indicates time series data with large sigma

MAIN (Unit = Mg)
NOx1A2gviii            20600023900023850023610024090077700620032500135311225881757957684768577302
NOx1A3ei            5400007270007253007183001700004000012600030069070654276078463204488424543045776
SOx1A3ei            900001780001653001549003000001920008400038007900104310158891106
NH31A4cii               50100054480064007000 1010101010910

PM (Unit = Mg)
PM2.511B          196034261734629696140512410995
PM2.51A3ei      21200  2340281281338320145127
PM2.52A6  30000280003150028800329005950012000 57201396843723035501358893723030764
PM1011B          23959731989565118511717151671217
PM101A3ei      31800  2511422422508479218191
PM102A6  44000490005500050200493008930018000 85802595275584653251538335584646146
TSP1A3ei      53000  4851703703846799363318
TSP2A6  740007700086500790008220014880030000 143003992119307688752897229307676910

HM (Unit = g)
Pb1A1a            108000000113000000120000000130000000130000000  400000       
Cd1A1a            1960000021800000230000002520000025200000  130000       
Cd1A2gviii            3160000035500000324000003420000034200000  9000       
Hg1A2gviii            45000005500000490000055000005500000  130000       
HgNATIONALTOTAL1560000013400000114000001180000010400000104000001010000096000009400000990000010000000 1020000011400000119000001400000014000000  980000