Review Stage 2: Synthesis and Assessment Country report

RecalculationsKCA for CLRTAPKCA for NECDInv. comparisonTime seriesTrend graphsAdd Comments


Party: RO      Submission year: 2018

The aim of this test is to identify instances of dips, jumps, and sudden trends in time series data reported by countries. Only data in NFR02, NFR09 and NFR14 reporting format were analyzed and data for which at least three years were reported. We converted all years where only NFR02 or NFR09 sectors are available to NFR14 and show only the converted sectors in the time series analysis.

The table below shows data, where outliers in the time series were identified based on the following methodology: Reported time series data were log 10-transformed prior to analysis to reduce intra-series variability and improve general time series linearity. A linear regression was subsequently applied to the log-transformed values for each time series.

An individual value within the time series was identified as a dip/jump if the respective residual value (regression forecast value - reported value) was greater than 2 standard deviations from the mean of all residuals within the time series. Only time series where the flagged data value contributed a significant fraction (>3%) of the national total for the given year are included in this dataset for expert review.

Time series where sigma grow largely (i.e. larger than 20% of the time series mean value) because of extreme variation in the emission data are also flagged. Zero values indicate small numbers rounded to zero.

The test was performed for the following time series (if data was available):
Main pollutants: 1990 – 2016
HMs and POPs: 1990 - 2016
PMs: 2000 - 2016

If there is a number and a notation key reported, the difference is the number

Color Key


Indicates a dip in the time series data


Indicates a jump in the time series data


Indicates time series data with large sigma

MAIN (Unit = Mg)
SOx1A2gviii          9634117191326910815208510550953889181080298618929749713332103929920102558738
CO1A2gviii          2065322844270992784213130213792092621689206331854718523163482324920156194461917118532

HM (Unit = g)
Pb1A2gviii          1372303159276719471351867467302294157374914974271421976159455715654971489478118196920788061685469158702915936451411666
Cd1A2gviii          156804143684197877277067143616151335175101206116131869133377153497127544166732168383160361151552172751
Cd1A4bi          133810795344896821611947111450427148802213999721459997186628118485081919908171392717890441693816170205216112091622680
Cd2C1          494539517594520582557098617677681423697187699333583337327622495226527603469505373261397475402367396276
Hg1A1a          718836728889741081864877818229820629916993921052945157816966766534902409729863622254620867632078618643
Hg1A1c          1022111308105838425227490781247783409480232903202282426752341276718221994
Hg1A2a          311523309693363065400915474006495492487622413113374632214770258342238155175192180097174081209096198105
Hg1A2gviii          14678617360920014818765189672164514149139140390165505143993138514125810169222139549135263131218116239
HgNATIONALTOTAL          17988591842037191643021644682097880223400523088112209312216398316609621727375183664016119571426367143792214868891445131

POP (Unit = mg)
DIOXNATIONALTOTAL          143516122133131285149489166900181668246328173091185479155225178390184996191689167462154150155704154925
HCB1A2gviii          59576543667507710571155095573776660078593498645050858318484586307463942608975749065769
PCB1A1c          128012136853938441701703469545425031802264622941220911105411003188411153115312623
PCB1A2gviii          1360825168306919989931682325661163941714759951293057171956316792831525873119409922582581740981163401916662771371436