Review Stage 2: Synthesis and Assessment Country report


Party: CZ

Submission year: 2009

The aim of this test is to identify instances of dips, jumps, and sudden trends in time series data reported by countries.  Only data in NFR02 or NFR08 reporting format were analyzed, and data for which at least three years were reported. In case of a mixture of the reporting formats across the timeseries (e.g. only 2007 was reported in NFR08 and the rest of the time series is available only in NFR02) we converted all years where only NFR02 sectors are available to NFR08 and show only the converted sectors in the time series analysis.

The table below shows data, where outliers in the time series were identified based on the following methodology:
Reported time series data were log 10-transformed prior to analysis to reduce intra-series variability and improve general time series linearity. A linear regression was subsequently applied to the log-transformed values for each time series.

An individual value within the time series was identified as a dip/jump if the respective residual value (regression forecast value - reported value) was greater than 2 standard deviations from the mean of all residuals within the time series. Only time series where the flagged data value contributed a significant fraction (>3%) of the national total for the given year are included in this dataset for expert review.

Time series where sigma grow largely (i.e. larger than 20% of the time series mean value) because of extreme variation in the emission data are also flagged. Zero values indicate small numbers rounded to zero.


The test was performed for the following time series (if data was available):

Main pollutants:

1990 – 2007

HMs and POPs:

1990 – 2007


2000 – 2007


Color Key


 Indicates a dip in the time series data


 Indicates a jump in the time series data


 Indicates time series data with large sigma

MAIN (Unit = Mg)
NMVOC1A3e           199520657244764681722
CO1A3e           77458054275562983733749068

PM (Unit = Mg)
PM2.51A3e   1394128318821
PM101A1a 3565342224188387032943494
PM101A2fi 3529730163969132016171265
PM101A3bi 56716613059224141679930
PM101A4ai 20521529469550298268
PM101A4bi 16459202584024244129001242111977
PM101A4cii 3921436453150167613841370
PM102A7d 341941407505361019762078
PM102C5e 15251311616687301278920
PM102G 34120173 410198238
PM10NATIONALTOTAL 43105515139946988343463485734619
TSP1A1a 3968445714577460042054342
TSP1A2fi 4656536164890176021371793
TSP1A3bi 2074122220502343923121679930
TSP1A4ai 34522856771870525440
TSP1A4bi 22904293107629010164501562615067
TSP1A4cii 3921436453150167613841370
TSP2A7d 4629527523507582038564077
TSP2C5e 202224895249986019891562
TSP2G 54631502 690368327

HM (Unit = g)
Pb1A1a           1471700162554416628658458301042008473291666571409
Pb1A2b               348997521075842107180
Pb1A2fi           28772400245568322299458524407800374667133096203433820
Pb1A3ai(i)           200000017000004290025350  15000
Pb1A3aii(i)           20000001700000 390  5000
Pb1A3bi           1000000093120004917900267720099910010000001010000
Pb2C5e            613319270884146923005596720866567172050000
Pb6Cb           3213000159713136042996425409385542521000
Cd1A1a           360500471955400639482946116921811663375140077
Cd1A2fi           166706068000153792349600074936128534139122
Cd1A4ai           19250015965316345600162100553322546
Cd2C5e            11322991167212124281210975321222252 
CdGRIDTOTAL             22396922368759311198831776227029701
CdSNAPTOTAL             22396922368759311198831776227029791
Hg1A1a           293200347439454169294883151467315224331432897
Hg1A1c           200120994 2192731537338498338603
Hg1A2c               317957124819150254
Hg1A2fi           172824013723915976761280965112137812280201420095
Hg1A4ai           33300234295180363436621750409615245260
Hg6Cb           6725002505647555827140221196643411170

POP (Unit = mg)
HCBGRIDTOTAL             722784262389466714336851873870431
HCBNATIONALTOTAL            4057000722784262389466714336851873870431
HCBSNAPTOTAL             722784262389466714336851873870431