Review Stage 2: Synthesis and Assessment Country report


Party: BG

Submission year: 2009

The aim of this test is to identify instances of dips, jumps, and sudden trends in time series data reported by countries.  Only data in NFR02 or NFR08 reporting format were analyzed, and data for which at least three years were reported. In case of a mixture of the reporting formats across the timeseries (e.g. only 2007 was reported in NFR08 and the rest of the time series is available only in NFR02) we converted all years where only NFR02 sectors are available to NFR08 and show only the converted sectors in the time series analysis.

The table below shows data, where outliers in the time series were identified based on the following methodology:
Reported time series data were log 10-transformed prior to analysis to reduce intra-series variability and improve general time series linearity. A linear regression was subsequently applied to the log-transformed values for each time series.

An individual value within the time series was identified as a dip/jump if the respective residual value (regression forecast value - reported value) was greater than 2 standard deviations from the mean of all residuals within the time series. Only time series where the flagged data value contributed a significant fraction (>3%) of the national total for the given year are included in this dataset for expert review.

Time series where sigma grow largely (i.e. larger than 20% of the time series mean value) because of extreme variation in the emission data are also flagged. Zero values indicate small numbers rounded to zero.


The test was performed for the following time series (if data was available):

Main pollutants:

1990 – 2007

HMs and POPs:

1990 – 2007


2000 – 2007


Color Key


 Indicates a dip in the time series data


 Indicates a jump in the time series data


 Indicates time series data with large sigma

MAIN (Unit = Mg)
NMVOC1A4bi            22700233902586924253256827
NMVOC3C           1529081031048713631245462821860

HM (Unit = g)
Pb6D           1980000 1840000225894015695124627770 
PbNATIONALTOTAL435850000    297490000278810000231240000250780000223510000 177279300104757000147917000143392080114812637124104349262654168
Cd1A2a           270000210000668000576399616700377800220740
Cd1A2b           819000010420000128370001350980010390300105680002167851
Cd1A2fi           14000012700029000539006660089400130366
Cd6D           240000 231000193624134530396666 
Hg1A1a           146000014380001593000149650014599001542900444129
Hg1A2b           152000014300002308000222910010702001088600220301
Hg1A2fi           400003530014000227002760037500443179
Hg1A4bi            2730003260003326823178033422818030
Hg6D           360000 351000193623134530396666 
HgGRIDTOTAL             50340004659006337863337467471568886
HgSNAPTOTAL             50340004659006337863337467471568886

POP (Unit = mg)
DIOXNATIONALTOTAL554196    456000340935309576288430245280 20063021869625488923926622953224726058123